I am undergrad at NSIT(DU) who loves to code.

// Don’t have much to say now, but not for always …

I have tried a lot of things since I have stepped into college, as follows( in order aka as a programmer would say sorted( quicksort) LOL ):

  1. iOS App Development
  2. Competitive Programming
  3. Processing (Java)
  4. Webpage Development NOT Website dev( HTML & CSS- basic)
  5. p5.js
  6. Machine Learning

Now the things which I have dropped for now and some which I am travelling with:

  1.     Developed 2 apps( 1 game and a gallery app to view particular set of images hardcoded by me). I still have both of them in my MacBook I think so. Left it as described below.
  2.      So this was the reason I left App Dev after a workshop / talk with  our alumni working at Google who introduced us about competitive programming . Then I started doing problem at codechef and  joined few societies for getting my hands dirty in it – CSI and the other being ASN . I like solving problems so I continued with it.
  3.      So I started it after a workshop one Sunday at IGDTUW with my friend . I was so much  overwhelmed by it and Himanshu Lohia sir gave the workshop btw. I completed 1/4th of the book in a week. I remember reading it in my phone while teacher is teaching , in free periods, at home, at barber shop while in the queue sitting on sofa … I also am a huge fan of Daniel Shiffman( author of book Processing).  I also developed few apps and open sourced one Project Tiles( it still has some bugs(logical error a programme might say , but works, sometimes) ). I also created a handful of other projects still in my MacBook. I contacted Himanshu sir and he was impressed by my work and gave me his email and personal contact number, if I am interested for diving further. But after creating so many projects I thought that something’s not working out. It all is some visual thing ( UI sort of) animations and I am not so good of creating visually good things or art so as long as I am reading the book I have the designs but what after that. I have to depend on someone else to work things out. I want to become a become a developer NOT a designer. I also tried p5.js and left both of them for sometime while I am trying something new and may be come back to it later( as it can be used in other spheres of technology too).
  4.     I tried to create a webpage during my practical exams of 2nd Semester( Intro to programming). There was a question and I have coded it and my friends wanted my source code to look what they have missed . You can check out here . I developed  this webpage in 30 mins and sent it’s link to them on WhatsApp . I further dived in it after my practical exams. Yes, you heard it right I was learning Web Development amidst cramming those shitty formulae of PEE ( god knows where I would use them as future software engineer or a job of my choice). So I didn’t care getting less marks as knowledge matters more to me than cramming those things, spitting them in exams and then forget them for your rest of life. There’s more to say but it’s not the right place. I left it also while the exam ends.
  5.     Already included in 4
  6.     Then came a huge turning point in my life( Google’s I/O). I have heard of AlphaGo but didn’t understood much what it is about. Then after Sundar Pichai’s comment to become AI first company I dived a little bit deeper. I read/crawled through websites, watched YouTube videos, read blogs, read Research Paper(Still not able to understand them as too much higher mathematics, but trying to reach that level). Then day by day my interest in it grew . This led to my enrollment in Stanford’ Into to ML. I would post my certificate here after I would complete it((Finally , here it is). It also allowed me to meet / interact with other people all over the world with same ideas. Chinese indeed are very intelligent. I remember Viet Anh Do ( who helped me on forums).

More to come!! I write blog like this when I am free. It’s good to create  your identity, that you are different, than trolling on fb pages, “sometimes”. . .

Signing.off() ;